Carrying on our inability to sit still for 5 minutes, we are very happy to introduce our Raw Edge Silk Ribbon Place Cards! These place cards are printed on our signature Luxe Pristine White cardstock and finished with 100% Habotai raw Edge Silk

What is Raw Edge?

Raw edge refers to the finish of the edges of the ribbon - raw edge is where the edges are not neatly stitched or glued, but rather are left to naturally "frey" giving a beautiful "raw" look to them. 

The Colours

We have 8 stunning colours to pick from - nothing too loud but subtle neutrals and pastels to compliment any table decor. 


To make sure these place cards reach you in excellent condition, all silk ribbon place cards will be sent with minimal assembly required. The ribbon ties will be provided cut to length, and each card punched, but the ties will not be attached to the place - this is for you to do at home. 

Browse our collection

We have 6 gorgeous designs for these place cards, and as always available to buy immediately, without the need for a quote. 

Visit our Silk Ribbon Place card collection here

If you have any question at all then please don't hesitate to get in touch! 

Laura Beaumont