As everyone is aware, Coronavirus is making its way across our tiny planet and is causing quite a bit of disruption. For many, this is a worrying time and for couples due to be wed within 2020 the worry is mounting. 

However, Ian and I would like to reassure all our clients, both existing and new that we are OPEN FOR BUSINESS AS USUAL. We have been on holiday this last week and we were caught up in the Spanish Country-wide lock down but are due to fly home as planned on Wednesday 18th March 2020. 

As many are aware we hold a lot of consultations and we have many booked for the coming weeks. We are going to be contacting all our clients due to come and see us within the next 14 days if they would rather postpone their consult with us, rearrange it as a Skype/Face time call or keep the date as planned. Ian and I are showing no signs or symptoms and have been vigorous in our hand hygiene. We have also been locked in our hotel room for the best part of 4 days with little to no contact with anyone. However we do realise that there still may be a risk involved which is why we are offering the choices above. We would also like to ask any clients due to come and see if they would sanitise their puds (hands) before entering our home. 

Etsy and our Website
Both these platforms are currently still open and operational and will continue to be so. All orders from us will be packed using gloves from now until further notice. As the majority of our invitations and stationery are self assembly at home, we are confident that us handling your items as little as possible will reduce any risk significantly. 

Postponements and re-prints
We have already had a few of our couples sadly have to postpone and a few more hold off any further work until things are a little clearer. In light of this Ian and I are committed to helping you re-organise any invites and day stationery in this event. Pricing for re-printing will be at a reduced cost and any orders that are postponed will not incur an admin fee to move the date, but instead will remain on our order books, as open, until whenever required. In short, postponing your date having not received any items will not incur charges, and any that do need re-printing will be significantly reduced in price to help. Whilst we would love to offer these re-prints for free, sadly just as any little business we need to try and keep afloat, too.

We are not going anywhere
I know a lot of clients will be worried about the impact of such an event especially on a small business of a team of one and a half. We want to reassure all our clients that we ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE. Ian and I have worked so hard over the last 6 years to build a brand that is sustainable and we believe 110% that Elle Bee will continue to be here when he dust has settled, ready to face new challenges and help new and existing couples plan their special day. 

To all our clients, both old, existing and new - Stay safe, take care of one another and above all continue knowing that with us on board we will help you as much as we can. 

Much Love,
Laura and Ian

Laura Beaumont