Morning Happy Campers! How are we all this rather rainy Thursday morning?

Well Ian and I got home just before midnight last night and then spent most of the night soothing our 6 years old Part-Bengal cat who would Not. Stop. Crying. All night. 

BUT! Aside from the crying we have some exciting news! Whilst we are away we investigated some additional machinery - now we can't say too much yet but in the next few months we will be announcing two specialised machines that we are purchasing that will allow us to offer two highly specialised finishes to invites IN HOUSE!! Which of course means greater flexibility on what we can provide and also at a MUCH reduced charge because we will be doing it ourselves!

But that is not all!

As of yesterday our website has now been set up to accept wedding invitation, wedding samples, and wedding stationery orders to the following countries:

  • USA and Canada
  • Europe and the Republic of Ireland
  • Australasia

We're going global, baby!!

So we hope you all have a lovely rest of the week regardless of the current situation we find ourselves in. I will be trying to blog a little bit more from now on, but for now Adios! 

Laura Beaumont